
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
If God is against women in leadership then He has some "splainin'" to do! In this episode, we discuss the women that God raised up to lead in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible aka the Old Testament). Miriam, Deborah, Jael, a mystery woman, Esther and the prophet Huldah.
Even though the Bible is written within a patriarchal worldview, God was able to work within our less than perfect ideals and plant an idea for something better, and He is still doing that today!
God raised up and installed some amazing women to lead His people, both men, and women, which leaves us with a decision to make, Either He is breaking His own rules about women in leadership, or those are the rules of a patriarchal system and He is trying to lead us out of that to something better!

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Episode 12 Patriarchy Is Not God's Dream
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
This episode is the first in a series of conversations about gender inequality. While this shows up globally, it reveals itself both blatantly and subtly here in the US. While not all churches and denominations teach a hierarchical view of men over women, many do, and therefore are a significant part of the problem in continuing to widen the gender divide.
In this episode we will look at Genesis 1-3 in order to get a renewed perspective that patriarchy wasn't God's dream, it was actually part of the curse which we have been freed from.

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Episode 11- #NOTMYJESUS feat. Bob Fabey
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
In this episode, Monty has a conversation with Bob Fabey, author of the book Not My Jesus. This conversation is rich and covers everything from Bob's move from the Christian and Missionary Alliance to becoming an Anglican priest, and how people tend to create a God in their own image. Bob's book tackles the subjects that reclaim Jesus amidst a world claiming they have the corner on who he is.

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Episode 10: The one about splagchnizomai
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
The word that best describes the motivation of Jesus and the heart of God is "splagchnizomai." The Greek word is translated as compassion, or love and compassion, but it is more powerful than that. This type of compassion is an invitation into being more human while experiencing more of the divine. This episode will change the way you think God thinks about you!

Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Episode 9: Divididitus-Zoe & Taking The Monastery With You!
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
In this episode, Monty walks us into a space where the secular and the sacred distinction dissolves allowing us to embrace and experience the sacred moment that is present.
When we falsely believe that the components of our lives ( body-soul-spirit) are compartmentalized & separate from each other, we tend to label and make divisions everywhere. This disconnects us from fully living the into the moment that we have.
Sometimes we finally have a breakthrough moment on retreats, seminars or places like monasteries where the veil between us and God is so thin, and we find ourselves free of the divisions.
The beauty though is when you are able to live fully present wherever you are, you are taking the monastery with you.
Follow Monty at:
Twitter: @mcwright
Instagram: mcwright

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Episode 8: dayenu, russians and really good wine
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
There is this great word, Dayenu, it is powerful but before we talk about Dayenu we need to talk about the Passover which will lead us to some observations about russians and tie it all together with a conversation about good wine. All this to point out that God is giving us an invitation for exodus...to know and experience grace more deeply, but the path can be hard sometimes.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Episode 7: Wasted Wounds or Sacred Wounds
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Everybody has wounds. The difference between those who find joy, meaning and healing in life, and those who are discouraged, depressed and bitter has much to do with how we deal with the wounds of life. In this episode, Monty begins a conversation from his book Sacred Space about the process of turning bitter wounds into in sacred wounds...without transformation, all our wounds will be wasted...but with God, they can be transformative.

Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Episoide 6: When The Valley Is Dark
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
There are dark places, spaces and events in life. In Psalm 23 David shares advice for how to walk through the dark valleys that we encounter. Since crisis and tragedy are a normal part of life, it is important to figure out how to navigate in the dark.

Thursday May 22, 2014
Episode 5: Letting Go
Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
You've said it to someone, and I'm sure someone has said it to you: "You need to Let Go!" We know we are stuck, but letting go, releasing or forgiving is hard for so many reasons. The ministry and life of Christ finds its apex in offering you freedom...so if you are ready to move forward, tune into Monty's teaching on Letting Go.

Tuesday May 13, 2014
Episode 4: 10 Excuses That Will Keep You Stuck!
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Tuesday May 13, 2014
We all make them, but excuses truly keep us from experiencing a fuller and more dynamic life. In this episode Monty looks at the top 10 excuses that he has heard over the years and encourages you to break out of them and find a life a passion and purpose!